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5. Which English word has the most definitions?

"Set" has the most definitions in the English language.

4. How do you know when "I'd" means "I would" or "I had"?
When "I'd" is followed by a past participle (taken, known, been, walked, etc) it means "I had". Otherwise it means "I would".

3. Which word doesn't fit: mind - bind - wind - find? Why not?

Wind doesn't fit, because the vowel has two pronunciations - /I/ and /aI/. The vowels in mind, bind and find are all pronounced /aI/.

2. What is the longest English word that doesn't contain a vowel?



1. What is the longest one-syllable word in English?

Screeched, scratched, scrounged, scrunched, stretched, straights and strengths all have nine letters in one syllable.
Is there a ten-letter one-syllable word anywhere out there?

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